
Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Painting - Sanctuary

Painting - Sanctuary

After brainstorming and researching what "Sanctuary" means to me, I decided on my intuition, trusting myself.  To express this as a painting I chose to paint spontaneously.  This process involved meditating, sticking a page to the wall with masking tape, covering it with wall paper paste, choosing the paint and applying it with the hand.  There is no preconceived image of what will end up on the paper. Here are the results....

This was the first painting. I painted it with my hands, then stood back and noticed some trees and a pink egg shape in the bottom right hand corner. I painted these in more pronounced with a brush.

The next painting I did, when I stepped back form it, looked like a balloon.

I added charcoal to the drawing.  As I drew, a representation of the vulva formed in the painting.

I embraced the image of the vulva and drew another one....

..and another one.

I tried to draw the vulva in black, but when I stood back and looked a the image I saw a black person holding what looks like a pink egg in the center of the page. Which links back with the original image of the pink egg under the trees.

The next vulva was drawn on two A1 pages.

This is a vulva in progress. I've added red nail varnish, lipstick, and feathers to the images. A hole has been cut from the center. I will add a mirror here.


  1. Hello Aisling baby! I like your blog and your first post! Big congrats stepping to blog life!

  2. Hi Aisling, this was a very interesting process. From where you started to where you ended up. You go girl.
